Women’s Ministry
We seek to bring glory to God by helping women grow in their personal knowledge of Christ, equipping them for ministry, and providing opportunities for building meaningful relationships with other women.
Join us on Thursday, December 5th at 7 PM in the fellowship hall as we begin the Christmas Season! Enjoy fellowship and a buffet Christmas dinner of baked ham, roasted potatoes, green beans, glazed carrots, rolls, and cheesecake around our festive tables.
Be encouraged by the Word as we continue our theme, From Loved to Loving: How Jesus's Love Changes Our Hearts and Lives, with our speaker, Katy Trygstad. Please invite your middle-school and high-school daughters to participate in this event, and consider inviting a friend or someone you are seeking to introduce to Christ!
Please sign up here to attend this free event by December 1st. You may register with all of your party at the time of registration. When you submit your registration, you will receive a confirmation that it was successful. You will also receive an email confirmation in your inbox. Please double-check that you have received these confirmations to ensure your registration is completed.
To serve our community, we will collect donations to support the Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center's Blessing Boutique. Please consider bringing unwrapped items to bless this ministry. See the image below for their current needs!
This year we will by studying the life of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of John in all of our studies and gatherings. As we study, we will reflect on his person and his work observing the way Jesus sees people and considering how He moves towards them in love and truth. We will endeavor to love like Jesus! But the only way we can love like Jesus is from our position of being loved by Jesus. Christ’s love bestowed upon us should compel us to move toward others with love, compassion, and truth. When we truly grasp Jesus’s great and yet undeserved love for us, we will be empowered to move from Loved to Loving.
Join with us this year as we long to behold Jesus!
Bible Studies
This year the women’s ministry will all be studying the Gospel according to John. Below are the options when and where these studies will meet and what format and supplementary materials will be offered. Additionally, we have two discipleship groups that will also be studying John.
Tuesday Morning Class — Precept
Meets on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 AM
Taught by Lane Hallwood
Materials Needed: Bible, Precept Workbook
Tuesday Morning Discipleship
Meets on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 AM at Melinda Raffensberger’s Home (this discipleship group has been filled to capacity)
Taught by Melinda Raffensberger
Materials Needed: Bible, John: That You May Believe by Kathleen Nielson
Tuesday Evening Discipleship
Meets on Tuesdays from 6:00-8:15 PM at Kim Cunningham’s Home (this discipleship group has been filled to capacity)
Taught by Kim Cunningham
Materials Needed: Bible, ESV John Scripture Journal (suggested)
Wednesday Morning Class — Precept
Meets on Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30 AM
Taught by Nancy Truluck
Materials Needed: Bible, Precept Workbook
Wednesday Midweek Class
Meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM in Room 103
Taught by Katy Trygstad
Materials Needed: Bible, ESV John Scripture Journal (suggested)
Friday Morning Class
Meets on Fridays from 9:30-11:30 AM in the Cove
Taught by Julie Shields
Materials Needed: Bible, John: That You May Believe by Kathleen Nielson
*Childcare is available for children in Kindergarten and younger. Please register your child by emailing here.
Connect Gatherings
This year our Connect Gatherings will also align with our ministry year’s theme: From Loved to Loving: How Jesus’s Love Transforms Our Lives. We will meditate on how who we are transforms how we live.
Saturday, October 5, 9:00 AM-2:15 PM *This is also our “Daytreat”
Thursday, December 5, 7:00 PM *This is also our annual Christmas Gathering - Register now!
Tuesday, February 11, 7:00 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 7:00 PM
Hospitality Houses
Hospitality Houses are opportunities for fellowship within small gatherings in homes of women in the church. These are fellowship-driven gatherings to encourage and get to know one another better. Sign ups will occur during the month of May. Make sure you
Saturday, June 21, 10:30-12 PM
Stay connected with the Women’s Ministry by receiving email updates. Sign up